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Rise of Anthropological Theory

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Knjiga Meki uvez
Knjiga Rise of Anthropological Theory Marvin Harris
Libristo kod: 04910113
Nakladnici AltaMira Press,U.S., kolovoz 2001
The best known, most often cited history of anthropological theory is finally available in paperback... Cijeli opis
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The best known, most often cited history of anthropological theory is finally available in paperback! First published in 1968, Harris's book has been cited in over 1,000 works and is one of the key documents explaining cultural materialism, the theory associated with Harris's work. This updated edition included the complete 1968 text plus a new introduction by Maxine Margolis, which discusses the impact of the book and highlights some of the major trends in anthropological theory since its original publication. RAT, as it is affectionately known to three decades of graduate students, comprehensively traces the history of anthropology and anthropological theory, culminating in a strong argument for the use of a scientific, behaviorally-based, etic approach to the understanding of human culture known as cultural materialism. Despite its popularity and influence on anthropological thinking, RAT has never been available in paperback_until now. It is an essential volume for the library of all anthropologists, their graduate students, and other theorists in the social sciences.

Informacije o knjizi

Puni naziv Rise of Anthropological Theory
Jezik Engleski
Uvez Knjiga - Meki uvez
Datum izdanja 2001
Broj stranica 822
EAN 9780759101333
ISBN 0759101337
Libristo kod 04910113
Nakladnici AltaMira Press,U.S.
Težina 1328
Dimenzije 154 x 228 x 45
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