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Russell Crowe

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Knjiga Meki uvez
Knjiga Russell Crowe Gabor H. Wylie
Libristo kod: 04806851
Nakladnici ECW Press,Canada, listopad 2001
In this innovative biography of one of Hollywood's most recently crowned kings, Gabor H. Wylie gives... Cijeli opis
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In this innovative biography of one of Hollywood's most recently crowned kings, Gabor H. Wylie gives Russell Crowe fans what they've been longing for--the stories that make up a lifetime, little anecdotal gems strung together like pearls on a necklace. The star of "Gladiator," "The Insider," and "L.A. Confidential" is revealed as never before. From Crowe's New Zealand roots to his emotional Oscar triumph, Wylie traces his journey to stardom with true stories that have textured his life along the way. Imagine Crowe's campy portrayal of transvestite Frank N. Furter in an Australian stage production of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Or the moment Crowe revealed to his shocked father that, since the family couldn't afford to send him to university to study history as he had planned, he intended to make his way as a performer. This is Russell Crowe--the dedicated musician, the acclaimed actor, the fascinating man.

Informacije o knjizi

Puni naziv Russell Crowe
Jezik Engleski
Uvez Knjiga - Meki uvez
Datum izdanja 2001
Broj stranica 147
EAN 9781550224726
ISBN 1550224727
Libristo kod 04806851
Nakladnici ECW Press,Canada
Težina 266
Dimenzije 210 x 159 x 14
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