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Song of Silver, Flame Like Night

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Knjiga Meki uvez
Knjiga Song of Silver, Flame Like Night
Libristo kod: 41440409
Nakladnici Random House Publishing, siječanj 2023
In a fallen kingdom, one girl carries the key to discovering the secrets of her nation's past and un... Cijeli opis
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In a fallen kingdom, one girl carries the key to discovering the secrets of her nation's past and unleashing the demons that sleep at its heart. An epic fantasy series inspired by the mythology and folklore of ancient China."Perfect for fans of The Untamed. I loved it! Shelley Parker-Chan, bestselling author of She Who Became the SunOnce, Lan had a different name. Now she goes by the one the Elantian colonizers gave her when they invaded her kingdom, killed her mother, and outlawed her people s magic. She spends her nights as a songgirl in Haak gong, a city transformed by the conquerors, and her days scavenging for what she can find of the past. Anything to understand the strange mark burned into her arm by her mother in her last act before she died.The mark is mysterious an untranslatable Hin character and no one but Lan can see it. Until the night a boy appears at her teahouse and saves her life.Zen is a practitioner one of the fabled magicians of the Last Kingdom. Their magic was rumored to have been drawn from the demons they communed with. Magic believed to be long lost. Now it must be hidden from the Elantians at all costs.When Zen comes across Lan, he recognizes what she is: a practitioner with a powerful ability hidden in the mark on her arm. He s never seen anything like it but he knows that if there are answers, they lie deep in the pine forests and misty mountains of the Last Kingdom, with an order of practitioning masters planning to overthrow the Elantian regime.Both Lan and Zen have secrets buried deep within secrets they must hide from others, and secrets that they themselves have yet to discover. Fate has connected them, but their destiny remains unwritten. Both hold the power to liberate their land. And both hold the power to destroy the world. Now the battle for the Last Kingdom begins.

Informacije o knjizi

Puni naziv Song of Silver, Flame Like Night
Jezik Engleski
Uvez Knjiga - Meki uvez
Datum izdanja 2023
Broj stranica 459
EAN 9780593650288
ISBN 059365028X
Libristo kod 41440409
Težina 470
Dimenzije 143 x 209 x 37
Poklonite ovu knjigu još danas
To je jednostavno
1 Dodajte knjigu u košaricu i odaberite isporuku kao poklon 2 Zauzvrat ćemo vam poslati kupon 3 Knjiga dolazi na adresu poklonoprimca


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