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Spider-man By Todd Mcfarlane Omnibus

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Knjiga Tvrdi uvez
Knjiga Spider-man By Todd Mcfarlane Omnibus Rob Liefeld
Libristo kod: 35723878
Nakladnici Marvel Comics, rujan 2021
Todd McFarlane became a superstar illustrating AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, but he changed the industry forev... Cijeli opis
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Todd McFarlane became a superstar illustrating AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, but he changed the industry forever with his next project: the "adjectiveless" SPIDER-MAN! Taking on both writing and art duties, McFarlane ushered Peter Parker into a gritty new era -- and it began with "Torment"! When the Big Apple's streets run red with blood, the web-slinger heads into the sewers to stop the Lizard's homicidal rampage. But what is driving his old friend and foe? Plus: Ghost Rider lends a bony hand when the deranged Hobgoblin returns, the wall-crawler finds himself at the center of a clash of claws between Wolverine and Wendigo, and Pete goes back in black to face Morbius the Living Vampire! And in the ultimate nineties team-up, Spidey joins X-Force to battle the unstoppable Juggernaut! COLLECTING: Spider-Man (1990) 1-14, 16; X-Force (1991) 4

Informacije o knjizi

Puni naziv Spider-man By Todd Mcfarlane Omnibus
Jezik Engleski
Uvez Knjiga - Tvrdi uvez
Datum izdanja 2021
Broj stranica 440
EAN 9781302928391
ISBN 1302928392
Libristo kod 35723878
Nakladnici Marvel Comics
Težina 1294
Dimenzije 283 x 192 x 28
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