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Sylvia Plath

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Knjiga Tvrdi uvez
Knjiga Sylvia Plath Toni Saldivar
Libristo kod: 01034487
Nakladnici Peter Lang Publishing Inc, listopad 1992
This book offers new material for the reader who has followed the emerging and ever more complex por... Cijeli opis
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This book offers new material for the reader who has followed the emerging and ever more complex portrait of Sylvia Plath as a woman and as an artist in the major biographies and in critical studies. It includes some primary sources not previously published, and fresh insights which keep Plath firmly in an American tradition. For the reader who wants an introduction to the life and art of Plath, this book offers a brief analytical biography and a discussion of Plath's poetry, both of which illuminate the shifting balance between Plath's two modes of the imagination.

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