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Craft Beer Cookbook

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Knjiga Meki uvez
Knjiga Craft Beer Cookbook Jacquelyn Dodd
Libristo kod: 02406656
Nakladnici Adams Media Corporation, listopad 2013
"These ale-infused recipes will definitely impress. The dishes in The Craft Beer Cookbook by Jacquel... Cijeli opis
? points 45 b
Vanjske zalihe u manjem broju Šaljemo za 12-17 dana

30 dana za povrat kupljenih proizvoda

Kupci su kupili i

Complete Joy of Homebrewing Charlie Papazian / Meki uvez 18.01
Auta, vlaky, lodě a letadla Clive Gifford / Tvrdi uvez 14.43
Craft Beer Bites Cookbook Jacquelyn Dodd / Meki uvez 18.01
Beer for All Seasons Randy Mosher / Meki uvez 13.81
Beer Cocktail Recipes Lev Well / Meki uvez 7.57
Camra's So You Want to be a Beer Expert? Jeff Evans / Meki uvez 23.24

"These ale-infused recipes will definitely impress. The dishes in The Craft Beer Cookbook by Jacquelyn Dodd are sure to be big winners around the turkey day table." "For brewers who are more comfortable with mash and malts than spices and salts, The Craft Beer Cookbook could be the menu cheat sheet that gives you the edge." --Craft Brewing Business "Beautifully illustrated...The Craft Beer Cookbook by Jacquelyn Dodd is a great primer for cooking with beer.... The photography is enticing and the pages are well laid out and easy to digest (pun intended). It would make a great gift or addition to your cookbook or beer library. The best part? You're guaranteed your meal will pair nicely with a nice cold craft beer." --Brew.Drink.Run. "The Craft Beer Cookbook consists of 9 amazing chapters, from breakfast foods to breads to desserts - something for everyone in your family... But my absolute favorite part about her book is how she includes tips on which kind of brew would work best for every single recipe!" --Damn Delicious "The book is very well written, and includes all sorts of wonderful information about craft beer and cooking, for newbies and veterans alike. I'm a big fan of this book, I consider it a must have, the recipes will make you hungry just from reading them." --The Full Pint "Flipping through the pages of The Craft Beer Cookbook by Jacquelyn Dodd, I became entranced by the delicious-sounding recipes as they flew past my eyes. Yum doesn't begin to describe it. All three of these recipes were superb. I give this cookbook my absolute highest recommendation. It has a great assortment of recipes, and from what I can tell so far, they're all fantastic." --Bierkast "Jacqueline Dodd has...parlayed the success of her blog into a full-fledged cookbook devoted to cooking with craft beer. A short primer touches on common beer styles and pairing basics, but then the text switches over to handsome sounding recipes." --Los Angeles Magazine "This is definitely a must-have for anyone who likes cooking with beer. This book would make the perfect gift for that person on your list who loves good beer and likes cooking with it." - Colorado Beer Girl "If you're a beer lover who's ever wished you could sustain yourself solely on the beverage, Jacquelyn Dodd's The Craft Beer Cookbook is for you. Dodd...covers the basic styles of beers and includes a beer-tasting chart to help readers pair beers with various flavors." --Paste Magazine "Perfectly sized and chock-full of recipes running from breakfast to dessert...and explains why incorporating brews into food makes perfect sense. Dodd's food photography is lovely and nicely represents the beauty of the wide selection of dishes.... In addition to considering gifting this to almost everyone on my list, I would like to work all the way through the book." --Austin Chronicle "These ale-infused recipes will definitely impress. The dishes in The Craft Beer Cookbook by Jacquelyn Dodd are sure to be big winners around the turkey day table."

Informacije o knjizi

Puni naziv Craft Beer Cookbook
Jezik Engleski
Uvez Knjiga - Meki uvez
Datum izdanja 2013
Broj stranica 224
EAN 9781440564918
ISBN 1440564914
Libristo kod 02406656
Težina 706
Dimenzije 209 x 233 x 14
Poklonite ovu knjigu još danas
To je jednostavno
1 Dodajte knjigu u košaricu i odaberite isporuku kao poklon 2 Zauzvrat ćemo vam poslati kupon 3 Knjiga dolazi na adresu poklonoprimca

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