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Think Like A Programmer

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Knjiga Meki uvez
Knjiga Think Like A Programmer V. Anton Spraul
Libristo kod: 01234209
Nakladnici No Starch Press, kolovoz 2012
Many programmers struggle to write programs, even though they understand their chosen programming la... Cijeli opis
? points 74 b
Vanjske zalihe Šaljemo za 3-5 dana

30 dana za povrat kupljenih proizvoda

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Many programmers struggle to write programs, even though they understand their chosen programming language. Programming isn't about syntax it's about problem solving, and all good programmers can solve problems. Unfortunately, most programming books focus on syntax and semantics, resulting in programmers who can't make the leap from reading programs to writing them.

Think Like a Programmer bridges that gap, teaching readers how to solve problems systematically, offering numerous techniques and examples designed to demonstrate how to organize thoughts, discover solutions, and find strategies to solve certain classes of problems. Programming, and especially problem solving, is a creative activity, and although this book won't tell anyone precisely what to do in a given circumstance, it will help readers develop their latent problem-solving abilities so that they will know what they should do.

Think Like a Programmer is designed to help readers become the programmers they were meant to be.

Informacije o knjizi

Puni naziv Think Like A Programmer
Jezik Engleski
Uvez Knjiga - Meki uvez
Datum izdanja 2012
Broj stranica 256
EAN 9781593274245
ISBN 1593274246
Libristo kod 01234209
Nakladnici No Starch Press
Težina 582
Dimenzije 179 x 235 x 19
Poklonite ovu knjigu još danas
To je jednostavno
1 Dodajte knjigu u košaricu i odaberite isporuku kao poklon 2 Zauzvrat ćemo vam poslati kupon 3 Knjiga dolazi na adresu poklonoprimca

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