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EM6 Waffen-SS Uniforms in Colour Photographs

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Knjiga Meki uvez
Knjiga EM6 Waffen-SS Uniforms in Colour Photographs Peter Amodio
Libristo kod: 05122410
Nakladnici The Crowood Press Ltd, travanj 2001
This title offers a useful reference source for the uniform collector, modeller and student of milit... Cijeli opis
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This title offers a useful reference source for the uniform collector, modeller and student of military dress and equipment. The reader can trace the development of the colour and design of the Waffen-SS uniforms: all the uniforms worn in the 150 colour photographs presented here are rare, original items, from private collections. All major types of service uniform are illustrated, together with a full range of the unique camouflage clothing which was the hallmark of these much-feared divisions. Privates, NCOs, officers, infantrymen, mountain troopers, tank and assault gun crews are all illustrated here as they appeared on the actual battlefield, and described in detail.

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