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Wind in the Willows

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Knjiga Meki uvez
Knjiga Wind in the Willows Kenneth Grahame
Libristo kod: 04298236
Nakladnici Wordsworth Editions, ožujak 1993
Far from fading with time, Kenneth Grahame's classic tale of fantasy has attracted a growing audienc... Cijeli opis
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Far from fading with time, Kenneth Grahame's classic tale of fantasy has attracted a growing audience in each generation. Rat, Mole, Badger and the preposterous Mr Toad (with his 'Poop-poop-poop' road-hogging new motor car), have brought delight to many through the years with their odd adventures on and by the river, and at the imposing residence of Toad Hall.

Informacije o knjizi

Puni naziv Wind in the Willows
Jezik Engleski
Uvez Knjiga - Meki uvez
Datum izdanja 1993
Broj stranica 192
EAN 9781853261220
ISBN 185326122X
Libristo kod 04298236
Nakladnici Wordsworth Editions
Težina 130
Dimenzije 125 x 197 x 11
Poklonite ovu knjigu još danas
To je jednostavno
1 Dodajte knjigu u košaricu i odaberite isporuku kao poklon 2 Zauzvrat ćemo vam poslati kupon 3 Knjiga dolazi na adresu poklonoprimca


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