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English for Everyone Junior Beginner's Course

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Knjiga Meki uvez
Knjiga English for Everyone Junior Beginner's Course
Libristo kod: 24663101
Nakladnici Dorling Kindersley Ltd, travanj 2020
Learn English with this fun course for complete beginners. Simple exercises and lively audio will ha... Cijeli opis
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Learn English with this fun course for complete beginners. Simple exercises and lively audio will have you speaking and reading more than 500 words in no time!The perfect introduction to English vocabulary and grammar, English for Everyone Junior: Beginner's Course provides children aged 6-9 with the support they need as they take the first steps towards learning English as a foreign language. Equally effective for home study or the classroom, this carefully levelled English-language course assumes no previous knowledge of English.It takes children through the basics of the language, helping them use and understand elementary English clearly and confidently. The book is carefully aligned to the pre-A1 level of the internationally recognized CEFR framework, and covers all the material necessary to prepare for the Cambridge (Pre-A1 Starters) and Trinity GESE (Grade 1) exams. Vocabulary is taught through attractive illustrations, and reinforced with audio resources.Each language/grammar point is explained in a dedicated panel, accompanied by clear examples of how it's used, and reinforced by exercises. At the back, there is a handwriting guide, grammar overview, and a glossary of language terms used throughout the book. Building on the worldwide success of the English for Everyone series, the Junior Beginner's Course contains everything a child needs to acquire a firm grasp of English in a fun and interactive way.

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