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English for Everyone Junior English Grammar

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Knjiga Meki uvez
Knjiga English for Everyone Junior English Grammar
Libristo kod: 39275452
Nakladnici Dorling Kindersley Ltd, rujan 2023
Understand the rules of English grammar with this fun, fully illustrated reference book for children... Cijeli opis
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Understand the rules of English grammar with this fun, fully illustrated reference book for children aged 6-9 who are studying English as a foreign language. Young learners of English will be captivated and engaged by the dynamic visual approach that sets English for Everyone Junior: English Grammar apart from other language materials for children. Attractive illustrations, clear layouts, and simple explanations present and explain the rules of the English language in a way that is easy for younger learners to understand and digest.The grammar covered in this reference will help children to describe the world around them, talk about their likes and dislikes, ask questions, and form negative sentences. Grammar is first presented in a realistic scene, and then broken down into bite-size chunks that are easy to understand and digest. Each grammar rule is accompanied by a simple explanation that can be used by the teacher or parent.It is the perfect companion for children who have recently begun to study English, including those preparing for the Cambridge Young Learners exams or Grades 1-3 of the Trinity GESE exams. English for Everyone Junior: English Grammar can be used at home with a parent or tutor, or by teachers looking to introduce, revise, or consolidate grammar in the classroom.

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