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Catering - A Guide to Managing a Successful Business Operation 2e

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Knjiga Tvrdi uvez
Knjiga Catering - A Guide to Managing a Successful Business Operation 2e Bruce Mattel
Libristo kod: 05074018
Nakladnici John Wiley & Sons Inc, travanj 2015
From launching the business, establishing pricing, setting up a kitchen, staffing, and marketing to... Cijeli opis
? points 131 b
Nedostavljamo do Božića Vanjske zalihe u manjem broju Šaljemo za 15-18 dana

30 dana za povrat kupljenih proizvoda

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The Professional Chef The Culinary Institute of America (CIA) / Tvrdi uvez 97.24
Canapes Eric Treuille / Meki uvez 21.52
French Chef Handbook Michel Maincent-Morel / Tvrdi uvez 106.06
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From launching the business, establishing pricing, setting up a kitchen, staffing, and marketing to planning events, organizing service, preparing food, managing the dining room and beverages, and developing menus, Catering: A Guide to Managing a Successful Business Operation, Second Edition, provides detailed guidance on every aspect of the catering business. This Second Edition is thoroughly revised and updated to include information on catering for dietary restrictions and food allergies, contemporary techniques such as sous-vide technology, and plating and presentation. Included is a new chapter of practical mainstream and on-trend recipes and sample menus for a variety of catered events from brunches to black-tie affairs

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